Ocus software releases

On this page you will find descriptions of the latest software releases for the Grundium Ocus microscope scanners. It is good practice to always keep your software up to date. Grundium usually rolls out SW releases several times per year with improvements and fixes, which make your scanner perform better.


Release window: 04/2023-05/2023
Scanner models eligible: Ocus40 (MGU-00002, MGU-00003, MGU-00004), and Ocus20 (MGU-00005, MGU-00006)


Support for SMB network drive export
This feature enables transferring images to an SMB network drive. This is useful for backups and long-term storage of images, but it can be used also to transfer images to other destinations, such as digital pathology systems and PACS. Note: the SMB export destination plugin needs to be enabled in the scanner’s settings in order for a network drive to be configured as an export destination.

Minor fixes and improvements
As always, based on user feedback, we have improved the performance and usability of Ocus scanners. These include enhancements to the Scan Archive user interface and automatic tissue detection. Also, the reliability of USB export is improved.

Ocus®20 and Ocus®40 scanners will automatically download the update in the background.

Note: the scanner intended usage flow must be verified after each software update. This involves testing at least the connectivity, scanning, and exporting functionality.


Release window: 12/2022-01/2023
Scanner models eligible: Ocus40 (MGU-00002, MGU-00003, MGU-00004), and Ocus20 (MGU-00005, MGU-00006)


Extended Depth Of Field (EDOF) Scan Mode 
EDOF optimizes focus by selecting from multiple local focus levels within a field of view. It is similar to Z-stacking, but it produces a smaller file with a single layer image faster.

Auto Logout (security improvement) 
An Ocus scanner can be set to automatically log out after a set time to help prevent unauthorized access to the scanner and stored files.

User Log (security improvement) 
Time-stamped log of users and accessed functions (logins, scans, viewings, openings, and exports of scanned files) add to data security (no track viewing of slides).

New Power Button Light Coding 
Improved logic in color and animation with e.g. red power button only indicating an error, and startup and yellow indicating shutdown sequence.

Wi-Fi/WLAN Access Point 
The user has now more control with Access Point mode entered manually.

Improved TIFF Processing 
Even large pyramid TIFF files load faster in viewers supporting pyramid layers. Added TIFF resolution metadata for better integration in automated workflows.

QR Code/Data Label 
The overhauled data label reader software enables more seamless file naming from QR code.

Optimisations, improvements and bug fixes 
Making your Ocus scanner yet a little faster and better